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Lifecycle of servlet

Think of it as the journey a servlet takes from the moment it's born to when it's no longer needed. When a servlet is first called upon by a web server, it's created (like our cake batter being mixed). Then, it handles requests from clients, doing its job (just like our cake baking in the oven). Finally, when it's not needed anymore or the server shuts down, the servlet is destroyed (similar to finishing off the last slice of cake).

Understanding this life cycle is crucial for developers because it helps them manage resources efficiently, ensure proper initialization, handle requests effectively, and clean up resources when they're no longer needed.

  1. Initialization (Mixing the Ingredients): Just like how we gather our ingredients before baking, servlets are initialized when they're first called upon by the web server. During this stage, the servlet is loaded into memory, its init() method is called, and any necessary setup tasks are performed. This is like gathering all the ingredients and mixing them together to prepare our cake batter.

  2. Servicing Requests (Baking the Cake): Once initialized, the servlet is ready to handle requests from clients. Whenever a request comes in, whether it's to fetch a webpage, submit a form, or perform any other action, the servlet swings into action. It executes its service() method, which processes the request, interacts with databases or other resources if needed, and generates a response. This phase is akin to our cake baking in the oven—it's where the real magic happens!

  3. Destruction (Enjoying the Cake): After the servlet has done its job—handling requests, generating responses, and serving its purpose—it's time to clean up. When the web server decides it's time to retire the servlet, typically because it's shutting down or needs to free up resources, the destroy() method is called. Here, any cleanup tasks are performed, resources are released, and the servlet bids farewell. This phase is like enjoying the last slice of our delicious cake before washing up and putting everything away.

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