Http Status codes
Imagine you're exploring the vast world of the internet, clicking from one webpage to another. Suddenly, you encounter a message that says "404 Not Found" or "500 Internal Server Error." Confusing, right? But don't worry, these messages are actually trying to communicate with you through what we call HTTP status codes.
HTTP status codes are like little notes sent from a website's server to your browser, letting you know what's happening behind the scenes. They're like the secret language of the internet, helping you understand if everything's working smoothly or if there's a hiccup along the way. Certainly! Here's a simple tabular format listing some of the most common HTTP status codes along with their meanings:
Status Code | Status Text | Description |
1xx | Informational | Request received, continuing process |
100 | Continue | The initial part of a request has been received |
101 | Switching Protocols | Server is changing protocols |
------------- | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
2xx | Success | Request was successfully received, understood, and accepted |
200 | OK | Standard response for successful HTTP requests |
201 | Created | Request has been fulfilled, new resource created |
204 | No Content | Request processed, but no content to return |
------------- | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
3xx | Redirection | Further action must be taken in order to complete the request |
301 | Moved Permanently | Resource has been moved permanently to a new location |
302 | Found | Resource temporarily moved to a different location |
304 | Not Modified | Resource has not been modified since last requested |
------------- | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
4xx | Client Error | Error on the client's part, such as incorrect request syntax or authentication |
400 | Bad Request | Server cannot process the request due to client error |
401 | Unauthorized | Request requires user authentication |
403 | Forbidden | Server understood the request, but refused to fulfill it |
404 | Not Found | Requested resource could not be found |
405 | Method Not Allowed | Request method is not supported for the requested resource |
408 | Request Timeout | Server timed out waiting for the request |
------------- | -------------------------------- | --------------------------------------------------------- |
5xx | Server Error | Error on the server's part, indicating a problem with the server's configuration |
500 | Internal Server Error | Generic error message indicating server failure |
502 | Bad Gateway | Server acting as a gateway or proxy received an invalid response from an upstream server |
503 | Service Unavailable | Server unable to handle the request due to temporary overload or maintenance |
504 | Gateway Timeout | Server acting as a gateway or proxy did not receive a timely response from an upstream server |
This table gives you a quick overview of the different HTTP status codes and their meanings.