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Java Object Class

It as the superhero of all Java classes—the one that swoops in to save the day when you need it the most. Every class you create in Java automatically inherits from the Object class, whether you realize it or not!

Imagine you're building a house, and each class in Java is like a different room in that house. Well, guess what? The Object class is like the foundation upon which the entire house stands. It provides essential methods and behaviors that all Java objects inherit, ensuring a common set of functionalities across the board.

Methods that are in Object Class:

  1. toString() Method: Ever wanted to convert an object into a meaningful string representation? The toString() method comes to the rescue! It allows you to create a custom string that describes your object's state and behavior.

  2. equals() Method: Ah, the quest for equality! The equals() method helps us determine if two objects are equal based on their contents. It's like having a magical mirror that reflects whether two objects are truly identical.

  3. hashCode() Method: Behold the power of hashing! The hashCode() method generates a unique identifier for each object, making it easier to organize and retrieve them in collections like HashMaps and HashSets.

  4. getClass() Method: Curious about an object's class type? The getClass() method reveals all! It returns the class object that represents the runtime class of the object, allowing you to peek under the hood and discover its true nature.

But wait, there's more! The Object class is also a treasure trove of other methods, including wait(), notify(), and clone(), each offering unique abilities to manipulate and interact with objects in Java.

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