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Java Access modifiers

In Java, access modifiers play a crucial role in determining who can access and modify classes, attributes, and methods. They provide a level of encapsulation and security, allowing us to design robust and maintainable code.

Exploring Each Access Modifier:


  • Public access modifier allows unrestricted access to classes, attributes, and methods from any other class.
  • It's like throwing a grand party – everyone is invited, and anyone can join in!
   public class MyClass {
     public int myPublicAttribute;
     public void myPublicMethod() {
         // Method code


  • Private access modifier restricts access to classes, attributes, and methods within the same class.
  • It's like having a secret hideout – only members of the club can access it!
   public class MyClass {
     private int myPrivateAttribute;
     private void myPrivateMethod() {
         // Method code


  • Protected access modifier allows access within the same package or by subclasses, even if they are in a different package.
  • It's like having a VIP section – only special guests (subclasses) and insiders (same package) can enter!
   public class MyClass {
     protected int myProtectedAttribute;
     protected void myProtectedMethod() {
         // Method code

Default (Package-Private)

  • Default access modifier (also known as package-private) restricts access to classes, attributes, and methods within the same package.
  • It's like having a neighborhood block party – only residents of the same neighborhood (package) are invited!
    class MyClass {
      int myDefaultAttribute;
      void myDefaultMethod() {
          // Method code

Comparing Access Modifiers:

PublicAccessible from anywherepublic class MyClass { ... }
PrivateAccessible only within the same classprivate int myPrivateAttribute;
ProtectedAccessible within the same package or by subclassesprotected void myProtectedMethod() { ... }
DefaultAccessible within the same packageclass MyClass { ... }

Understanding Java access modifiers is essential for creating well-structured and secure code. By mastering these modifiers, you can control the visibility and accessibility of classes, attributes, and methods, ensuring the integrity and maintainability of your Java programs.

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