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Native SQL Queries

Imagine you're in a library, and you want to find a specific book. You don't check every single shelf; instead, you ask the librarian to fetch it for you. That's exactly what Native SQL Queries do—they help you ask your database for the precise information you're looking for.

But why "native"? It's like speaking the language of the database itself. Instead of relying on any fancy tools or middlemen, you're going straight to the source. It's like having a direct line of communication with your data.

For example, let's say you're managing an online store and you want to find out how many products you've sold in the past month. With a Native SQL Query, you can simply write something like:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_sales
FROM orders
WHERE order_date BETWEEN '2024-03-01' AND '2024-03-31';

Boom! In just one line, you've got your answer.

Or perhaps you're running a blog and you want to see which articles are getting the most views. Easy peasy:

SELECT article_title, views
FROM articles

And just like that, you've uncovered your top-performing content.

String sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) AS total_sales FROM orders WHERE order_date BETWEEN '2024-03-01' AND '2024-03-31'";
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql);
BigInteger totalSales = (BigInteger) query.getSingleResult();
System.out.println("Total sales in March: " + totalSales);

Boom! In just a few lines of Java code, you've got your answer.

Or perhaps you're running a blog and you want to see which articles are getting the most views. Easy peasy:

String sql = "SELECT article_title, views FROM articles ORDER BY views DESC LIMIT 5";
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(sql);
List<Object[]> topArticles = query.getResultList();
for (Object[] article : topArticles) {
    String title = (String) article[0];
    BigInteger views = (BigInteger) article[1];
    System.out.println("Article: " + title + ", Views: " + views);

And just like that, you've uncovered your top-performing content.

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